Namecheap Domain Sharing

Ready to point your Namecheap custom domain name? We can help!

Giving ChurchSpring Access in from ChurchSpring on Vimeo.

Namecheap will allow you to share access to the ChurchSpring Support team in order to make the necessary changes to your DNS records.

Since Namecheap has created a mandatory 2-step login verification process, as an "unidentified device," our support team is unable to log in to your account with your credentials. Please help us in the following way:

  1. Please login to your Namecheap account and find the domain name you want to point to your website in the dashboard.
  2. Click the “Manage” button on the far right of the domain name.
  3. Find the “Sharing and Transfer” tab and click it.
  4. Under “Share Access” and next to “New Manager” type in Click "Add."
  5. In the New Domain Manager screen, click the drop-down button next to “Manager’s Access” and choose “Give manager some permissions.”
  6. Click the checkbox next to “Advanced DNS” so that all the checkboxes underneath will automatically be checked.
  7. Type in your Namecheap password and click “Confirm.”
  8. Our team will then get an email invite allowing us to use our credentials to make the DNS changes.

Here is a quick video that shows this process:

Thank you for your help in giving us the access we need. Please let us know if you have any questions about this!

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