How to Set Up Recurring Events

Your ministry Calendar-of-Events can get sticky to keep organized...

  • Board Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
  • MOM's program on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month
  • Men's Fellowship Night every other month know the drill!

Add recurring events to your ChurchSpring calendar once and don't sweat the repeating reminders! Follow these steps to create events that can repeat based on your calendar needs.

  1. Log in to your website and go to your Events page. Click the Add Event button or select an existing event to edit.

  2. Add all the necessary details about your event along with an image from our library or your own files. Remember to include any details a new visitor might need such as parking, what to expect, or who to contact with questions. The more details, the better!
  3. Under the box labeled "Repeat," select a pre-set time or click on the "Custom" option for more flexibility.
    1. For custom recurrences, a window will open to fill in your specific details. All fields are required except the End Date field. Events without an End Date will recur indefinitely.
  4. Always click the "Save" button so you don't lose your hard work!

Editing or deleting a recurring event

1. Hover over the specific event that you want to edit or delete and click the appropriate icon: pencil to edit or trash can to delete.

3. When you click the "Save" button after editing the event, you will be asked if you want to Edit All Occurrence, Edit This Event Only, or Cancel.

4. If you choose to delete the event, you will be asked if you want to Delete All Occurrences, Delete This Event, or Cancel.

Any changes made to All Occurrences will update or delete every instance of that event on your calendar. Any changes made to This Event will only affect the single date you are editing. Deleted events cannot be recovered!

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