How to Log In: Church Members & Donors

Your church's website is a great place to find information and get involved, but you may need to sign in to use different features such as the Directory or Giving. There are 3 ways to get access to your church's website:

  1. Respond to an invite
  2. Request an invite
  3. Make a donation

Option 1: Respond to an Invite

If one of the website admins for your church added you to the directory, you may have received an invite by email. Follow the directions in the email and use the provided password to log in to your church's website.

Option 2: Request an Invite

If you haven't received an invite to join your church's website, you can request one! Simply click the Login link at the top right corner of the website and select "Don't Have An Account? Request One!"

Complete the form on the next page and wait for approval from one of your website admins. Once you've been approved, you will receive an email with login instructions.

Option 3: Log In For Donation Management

Even if your church isn't using an online directory through the website, they may still be using ChurchSpring Giving. If you have donated to your church via their website, you can log in to track those donations, update settings on recurring donations, and find donation reports.

After your first donation, you will receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will contain the amount of the donation and a link to a donor profile page where you can manage your donations. You will be able to access your profile page when you log in to your church's website the same as in Option 1 above.

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