Creating Columns Using Blocks

Our team knows that you love creative options! Using "Columns" in our Blocks feature will allow your creativity to blossom when it comes to designing your website pages. 

Columns can be added anywhere you want within a page, as long as it is below the header area. This blocks feature option will allow you to place two, three, or even four columns in a row. Each column will adjust to evenly optimize the space on the page based on the number of columns you want. Some ideas for using column blocks would be (1) highlighting multiple upcoming events; (2) creating an additional support staff area added to the bottom of your leadership page; or (3) clarifying your key areas of ministry on your home page.

Let's Get Started!

If you are unfamiliar with the Blocks feature, you will want to glance through our article on how to Add or Remove Sections with Blocks.

  • When you open the blocks feature by clicking the "plus sign" icon, you will see the option for Columns in the bottom row of the selection view.

  • When you click on the Columns option, you will immediately have a template block consisting of 3 columns.

Editing Options

Add or Insert an Additional Column

By clicking the "plus sign" located on the right side of a block, a new block will be inserted immediately to the right. You can add unlimited column blocks to your page.

Move, Edit or Delete the Column

Each column has its own set of tools for you to move, edit or even delete that specific column.

  1. Drag-and-drop functionality is activated when the user clicks the drag-and-drop cursor (known as a crossbar). Click the icon with your mouse, hold, and drag the column to reorder the columns within the block.
  2. To edit, click the pencil icon (or anywhere on the text) to open the text editor. Once the text editor is open, you will see the toolbar with the editing options. Update the new text that you want and click "Save" at the bottom of the column. 

  3. The trash icon will allow you to delete a single block. A window will pop up asking you to confirm if you want to delete that specific column. 

Use the Column Block feature to reflect your specific ministry and to shine the light of Christ to all!

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