Why You Need To Use Groups in Your ChurchSpring Website

As a ministry leader, you are constantly working to organize and communicate with your church community… sometimes unsuccessfully. It is discouraging to find out that poor communication was at the root of an event issue.
But what if you could create a system that would identify group leaders and empower these leaders to communicate better with their specific group? And this better communication would then result in every member feeling included and informed? It’s possible with ChurchSpring Groups!

Just like you, discipleship is the heartbeat of the ChurchSpring team. The Groups feature benefits your ministry in the following ways…
- Communication! The Groups feature gives your members a place to go for specific group information - from meeting info to phone numbers to downloadable study notes. Your members will have information at their fingertips which results in improved communication! And good communication builds bridges with visitors as well as regular attendees.
- Community! A leader must be purposeful in cultivating the seeds of community. The ChurchSpring Groups feature is an aid in meeting this goal. You have the flexibility to define a group… you can use the Groups feature to create a private group for the Music team or a public group for the monthly men’s Bible study. When you create a public or private group, you have just opened a new avenue of communication with current group members and engagement with possible new members.
- Connection! Groups seamlessly connects with the other areas of the ChurchSpring Church Management System…People, Messaging, and Apps! This means that you can easily set up each group member's info, mass email your group, and see the group page in your member app–with very little effort on your part! If you happen to get stuck, our top-rated Customer Success Team has got your back. Just reach out and let us know if you need help via email, a phone call, or even a video chat!
Ready to get your Groups set up? Take a look at this tutorial that will guide you through the setup process.