ChurchSpring Tips for Better SEO
Your website is a great place to increase your visibility in your community!
ChurchSpring sites typically start to show up in search engine results anywhere from 1 to 5 weeks. If your domain name was popular before you pointed it to ChurchSpring, then you will probably see quicker results than a domain that is brand new to the web since each search engine has to update its unique file results.
Each ChurchSpring website is automatically "search engine optimized" (SEO) with some back-end development work, and certain "website best practices" integrated into your website (mobile friendly, your church name throughout the website, social links, etc.). That being said, as you continue to post regular updates to your website such as sermons, blogs, events, etc. that helps your search engine ranking and sends the correct signals to search engines that you have an active website.
Even though you have basic SEO built-in to your ChurchSpring website, here are a few more tips to help make sure you get the best results...
TIP #1 - Boost your current built-in SEO by adding descriptive phrases and keywords to the Page Settings>SEO. Since search engines index by page, you can set the keywords on every page of your website. You can learn more in our help desk article Page Settings: Options for Managing Your Website.
TIP #2 - Search engines like fresh, relevant content! Be sure that you are loading your events, posting your sermons, and writing your blogs - every week on your website.
TIP #3 - Search engines like traffic! Be sure that you are advertising your website in your bulletin and other print material. Post on your social media profiles and encourage your church family to utilize the website and share it on their personal Facebook pages. Set up your ChurchSpring Giving so that members go to the website to give. The more traffic you create, the higher you will rate in a search.
TIP #4 - Be sure you have a "Google Business Profile" set up with updated info.
TIP #5 - Create a "Word Bank" - If you are looking for ways to enhance a keyword search, your best tactic would be to update your weekly blogs and your events with specific keywords that you want to rank (for example your city, event title, etc.). You will want to create a list of specific keywords that you want to appear higher in search results, and then use that list as a bank to draw from as you write your specific blogs, etc.
TIP #6 - Place "Alternative Text" in images - In the video below, we explain how your ChurchSpring site will allow you to place keywords into the images that you load into your website. This is important for those digital images that contain text because the text will not render for search engines or screen readers.
Want to see if these tips are working for you? Set up Google Analytics on Your Website!