How to use the Accordion Feature in Blocks

Crafting your website to reflect your ministry doesn't mean that written content needs to overwhelm your website visitors. 

Using the Accordion block will allow you to clearly list section headers with the associated content in a drop-down view.

See how easy this clean format is to create...

NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with the Blocks feature, you will want to start with our article on how to Add or Remove Sections with Blocks.

  • Step One: When you open the blocks feature by clicking the "plus sign" icon, you will see the option for Accordion in the bottom row of the selection view. Click on the Accordion block to insert it into you webpage.

  • Step Two: When the feature uploads, you will see the basic template for editing. The arrows on the left will allow you to expand that section (see item 3). The template contains placeholder text, so be sure to update each section, or delete the item line that you do not need.

  • Step Three: Adding Content and Editing 

  1. Adding additional item lines is as easy as a click! As you hover over any given item in the listing, you will see the plus icon show up. Clicking on the plus icon will allow you to add another item line immediately below the line you were on. As you add your content to the template, be sure to complete all areas (title, header and description). If an area is empty of content, a "missing fields" reminder window will pop open.
  2. Each item line has the flexibility to be moved, edited, or deleted through the tools located to the left of the header title of the line.

From Statements of Faith to VBS daily schedules, there are multiple ways that the Accordion block can add order and design to your website!

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