Using Social Scheduler Inside Your Events
Use the Social Scheduler to easily post your events to social media directly from your website
Being able to post your events directly to your social media accounts saves you time and helps you to keep a consistent presence across your various online platforms.
If you need to set up Social Scheduler on your follow the steps here: How to Setup the Social Scheduler
Steps to posting your event to social media using the Social Scheduler:
- The first step is to create an event in your events page (Video Below)
2. After you have added your Event info to a new event, you can click the “+” sign to start a social media post.
3. Click on the platform that you want to post on - we are using Facebook for this tutorial.
4. Follow the prompts and enter your desired posting date and time. You will also need to choose what kind of post you want to create…
- Link - this post will have a place where the Facebook viewer can click and be taken to this event on your website.
- Image - selecting this option will only allow the image to be posted to your Facebook page. This is great if your image contains text.
- Text - no image will be posted when you select “Text”
5. Once you have completed these steps, just click SAVE to finish!