How To Add An Event

A big part of your church website will be your events page! You will want to post anything on your church calendar of events… from weekly activities to monthly or quarterly events.

  • When you are logged in as admin to your site, you will see “Events” in your navigation bar. You have to freedom to edit this title if you wish (ie: Calendar).
  • To add an event, begin by clicking on “Events”  All events are added using the same format.
  • Once the Events page is open, you will see a box that contains a paragraph with automated text. Feel free to edit the text to personalize it for your site.
  • Locate the Add Event button and click on it.

  • The box that opens is easy to navigate - simply type in the title of your event and its location (note the easy auto-insert when it is at the church location.)
  • When you go to type the event date, a calendar will open for you to select the exact day. Next to that box, you need to enter the starting time.
  • The box labeled “Repeat” is useful if your event happens at a regular time every day, week, month, year, or even a custom setup.
    • Daily events would be something like a Kid's Summer Day camp or VBS.
    • Weekly repeat is helpful for events such as Sunday Morning Worship Service or a Wednesday night kids program.
    • Monthly (or yearly) repeat is great for creating the event in duplicate form - but you will need to go to each month and tweak the date. For instance, an event that happens on the second Tuesday of each month may be on the 8th in the month of May, but on the 12th in the month of June. So, after creating the event to repeat monthly and saving it, go to the next month’s event, change the date (or time, etc.) followed by selecting Repeat/Never, Save, and clicking “Edit this Event Only.”
    • Custom event settings would be used for the meetings that happen on the first and third of the month (etc).
  • The text box at the bottom of the page gives you the opportunity to give as much information as you can about the event. You can also post links or encourage people to use your contact form to ask for more information.

Don't forget to load an image that represents your event accurately - this picture will also be the background of the actual event page. Keep in mind that most people are usually drawn to a visual before they read the text!

Two Options for Viewing: List View or Month View

It's nice to see an orderly list of the most recent upcoming events, but sometimes you want a quick month-at-a-glance view of your church calendar. You can easily switch your view on the Events page by clicking on the "Month View" option as seen in the image below. If you want to know more info about the event on the calendar, just click and a window with the information will be displayed. Click again, and you will be taken to the event page.

NOTE: Just as the "list view" of events does not show events that have passed, the month view calendar will not show them either.

Adding the Events Carousel to Your Homepage:

Your ChurchSpring website had an events carousel already placed on your homepage when your site was first created. This events slider displays all the current and upcoming events that you have added to your events page!

Add an Events Carousel to any page on your site

Follow the steps outlined in the video here below:


  • Can I add a Google Calendar to my Events section?  Yes! You can integrate a Google Calendar into a page of your ChurchSpring website. Google has THIS article explaining where to find the embed code. Follow those steps to copy the embed code for the calendar you would like integrated into your church website. Once you decide where you want your calendar located (ie: text box or nested page), simply open the HTML in the text box toolbar (the HTML is the last button on the right in the toolbar), and insert your embed code. Be sure to click save!

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