How To Change The Design of Your ChurchSpring Website
Are you ready to give your church website a fresh look?

Praise the Lord that with ChurchSpring redesigning your church website won't take weeks of coordinating with designers and developers. Your new website design is only a few seconds away. Follow these steps to update the entire look of your website with the click of a button:
- Login to your website
- Click on "Settings"
- Click the "Website" tab
- Click the "Gallery" sub-tab
- Scroll through the list and select the design that best fits your ministry- When you click to activate the new design you will be asked if you want to keep all of the custom images (in the background of the sliders and all the secondary pages) or if you would like to use the default images associated with the new design.
That's it! In a couple of seconds, you have changed the entire look of your site.
- How can I see a design before clicking on it to change my website design?
- You can see all of the ChurchSpring designs by going to and scrolling down to the design you like.
Simply click on the "preview" button to link to a demo site that uses that specific design.
- You can see all of the ChurchSpring designs by going to and scrolling down to the design you like.