ChurchSpring Giving: How to Track Cash and Check Gifts
Donations happen for your ministry in more than one way and your ChurchSpring Giving has a place for those donations!
Here is how you can add cash or check gifts into your ChurchSpring Giving platform.
1. Go to the "People" area in the left navigational panel.
2. When the dashboard opens, click on the People List tab.
3. Click on the specific donor for whom you wish to add a cash or check donation. Click the Giving tab.
4. Click Add Record in the upper right corner of your screen
5. The Gift Details section shows up and you can choose between Check and Cash options. Fill in the necessary fields before clicking the Save button.
You may also add gifts/donations in the Giving area.
1. Just click on Giving in the left navigation panel.
2.Click on the on Gifts Tab before you click Add Record
3. The Gift Details section shows up and you can choose between Check and Cash options. Fill in the necessary fields before clicking the Save button.
A Note on Deposits
Once your first donation is made through your ChurchSpring Giving platform, the first deposit/payout processed by Stripe may take 7-14 days. After that, funds will be deposited into your bank every 2 days.